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NUEVO CAMPO COMUNAS para todas las tiendas Shopify -

NUEVO CAMPO COMUNAS para todas las tiendas Shopify

  ¡Gran Noticia! Ahora Puedes Habilitar el Campo "COMUNA" en el Checkout de Shopify para Cualquier Plan ¡Hola a todos los entusiastas de Shopify y emprendedores digitales! Hoy estoy increíblemente...

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Actualización de Mercado Pago en Shopify Mayo 2023 -

Mercado Pago Update on Shopify May 2023

What I do? When I do it? How do I do it? I answer these questions so that you don't end up without receiving payments in your store. Summary: 1.- how to activate the new Mercado Pago Checkout modu...

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Doble verificación 2FA en nuestras cuentas. Más vale prevenir que curar -

Double 2FA verification on our accounts. It's better to prevent than to cure

Nowadays we use many digital services such as administration accounts and applications that have most of our private data or very important information such as financial, an online store, email ac...

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Envía links con descuentos automáticamente aplicados -

Send links with automatically applied discounts

This little trick can be used in many ways and will help you make, for example, a button in an email campaign or a button on your website and what it will do is automatically apply a discount to y...

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Integración Pedidos Ya con Shopify -

Order Now Integration with Shopify

I present to you the new shipping integration with Orders Now. The steps to implement it are as follows: Make an account at Sign a contract with Orders Now s...

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Ahora puedes agregar el RUT en la facturación de Shopify -

You can now add the RUT in Shopify billing

Your Shopify invoices will include value added tax (VAT) starting December 31, 2021 Shopify is required to collect value added tax (VAT) in Chile. Since your business address is...

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Acepta criptomonedas como medio de pago en tu Shopify -

Accept cryptocurrencies as a means of payment in your Shopify

The first thing we must do to receive payments from cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Etherium is to have a Wallet (virtual wallet). For this we are going to go to

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Bloquear el botón derecho en tu web para las imágenes y mostrar un mensaje -

Block the right click on your website for images and show a message

Let's copy all this code and paste it into the theme.liquid of our template. To paste the code it has to be at the end of our template but before the <body> command ends It has been pr...

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Agregar el precio de venta en cuotas 💴  con o sin intereses -

Add the sale price in installments 💴 with or without interest

It is always a good sales tactic to give the value from or the value of the product quota since we are giving a very low amount to hook the customer. In general, it occurs with high-value produc...

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Combinar stock según SKU en Shopify para publicaciones que comparten un producto en común. -

Combine stock by SKU in Shopify for posts that share a common product.

Many sell products that share a common raw material, so to speak. They differ by design or another characteristic that causes 1 base product such as a t-shirt to be multiplied by 20 designs and ...

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