How to insert HTML in my admin shopify template in the theme sections
It is possible that you want to insert a widget or a code on our website such as a YouTube video or other embedded code that is in html and you do not know how to do it or you are afraid of where to paste it in all those lines of code since you are afraid of breaking your theme or literally be left without a store.
I bring you a section for your topics (any Theme) so they can insert HTML code and manage it as a section of the theme, that is, make it visible or not and grind it up and down depending on where they want to place it in their template.
You just have to go to your template > edit code > go to the sections folder > and press add a new section. It will ask you for a name and put custom-content
When you do that, a small text will appear and they will replace it with the text from the file you send them. It will remain like this and save.
Then you will customize your theme in the visual editor and you will see that now you can add a new section called “Custom Content”
It's that simple and you can insert HTML elements into your template without having to touch the code again and make them liveable or not or move it in position.
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